
Launch Your Digital Career in 12 Months and Graduate with 3 Years of Work Experience 

Be a work-ready talent in 12 months with digital skilling induction. After completing the bootcamp, you will start a 3-year paid apprenticeship before graduation.

1+3 Dual Track Work-Study Degree to Launch Your Career 

eduCLaaS’ Work-Study Degree offers a dual-track program with a 1+3 pathway, where you study for 1 year and work as an apprenticeship for 3 years.
We assist you with employer matching and get you placed as a full-time paid apprentice while you pursue your Advanced Diploma. Furthermore, you graduate with industry-in-demand job certifications and a degree from an internationally recognized university.

Our Job Placement Assistance

Proven track record of more than 10 years, is built upon a strong relationship with over 2,000 companies 

Career Builder Workshop

1-to-1 Career Coaching  

Review of Career Development Resources

Recruitment Activities and Interviews

Career Builder Workshop

1-to-1 Career Coaching  

Career Builder Workshop

Get resume-building, interview coaching, and industry insights sharing to prepare yourself for the interviews ahead.
Assist you to plan and align your personal career aspirations and expectations with the upcoming job opportunities.  
Get resume-building, interview coaching, and industry insights sharing to prepare yourself for the interviews ahead.

1-to-1 Career Coaching  

Assist you to plan and align your personal career aspirations and expectations with the upcoming job opportunities.  

Review of Career Development Resources

Recruitment Activities and Interviews

Gain valuable insight into the most efficient tools and strategies to help you achieve your career goals.
Connect with our active pool of hiring employers through a mixture of physical recruitment drives, employers networking sessions, and online AI job matching to secure your digital job role.

Review of Career Development Resources

Gain valuable insight into the most efficient tools and strategies to help you achieve your career goals.

Recruitment Activities and Interviews

Connect with our active pool of hiring employers through a mixture of physical recruitment drives, employers networking sessions, and online AI job matching to secure your digital job role.
Get resume-building, interview coaching, and industry insights sharing to prepare yourself for the interviews ahead.  
Assist you to plan and align your personal career aspirations and expectations with the upcoming job opportunities.  
Gain valuable insight into the most efficient tools and strategies to help you achieve your career goals.
Connect with our active pool of hiring employers through a mixture of physical recruitment drives, employers networking sessions, and online AI job matching to secure your digital job role.

than Conventional Academic Universities


Get 3 years of working experience for 2 times higher pay on graduation while most conventional university graduates are under-employed without relevant in-demand skills  


Gain job placement in just 12 months while conventional university graduates only start seeking employment after 4 years  


Earn while learning to offset the tuition fees before graduation for a debt-free degree, while conventional university graduates incur tuition expenses without income for a higher-cost degree. The program offers interest-free loans for low upfront tuition fees of US$100/month until you secure job placement. 

Get a Digital Business Degree: Be a Leader in Digital Marketing

Acquire expertise in e-commerce, data analytics, digital marketing, entrepreneurship, and strategic innovation to excel in the modern digital business landscape  

Get a Software Engineering Degree: Embrace a Tech-Driven Future  

Gain proficiency in programming languages, algorithms, software design, teamwork, and problem-solving, and get primed for your impactful tech career.

Top-up Master's Degree for Digital Career Conversion

Accredited international work-study master’s degree with apprenticeship

Our Learners' Reviews 

See the stories of how our learners transformed their academic as well as their career journey together with eduCLaaS.

Ready to gain experience before graduation? Get in touch!