
Launch Your Digital Career in 12 Months and Graduate with up to 2 Years of Work Experience 

Intensive digital skilling bootcamp with personalized industry expert mentoring
Full-time paid apprenticeship
Gain internationally accredited bachelor’s degree and professional certifications
*Paid apprentice is for 6 months
*Earn up to 1,800 USD with the apprenticeship

Get your journey started for a highly rewarding degree and career in digital

Be empowered in a work-study journey for graduating a bachelor’s degree with 3 years of working experience to make you ready for the upcoming industry challenges and become the first choice of employers

STEP 1 : Get a Career Proposal

Utilise our AI bot to get a personalized proposal and discover which digital career best suits you by completing the form

STEP 2 : Talk to a career consultant

Our career consultant experts is here to guide you configure a work-study learning pathway that matches perfectly just for you

STEP 3 : Get your journey started

With insights from the personalized consultation, get into action effectively and confidently, guided in every step of the way towards your goals!

Be the leader of the tech-driven future

Graduate as a digitally-skilled talent with real-world work experience to excel and primed in your future career

Digital Business Bachelor’s Degree

Acquire expertise in e-commerce, data analytics, digital marketing, entrepreneurship, and strategic innovation

Software Engineering Bachelor’s Degree

Gain proficiency in programming languages, algorithms, software design, teamwork, and problem-solving

Are you an aspiring learner looking for a digital career induction?

Be Prepared in a 1+2 Dual Track Work-Study Journey

eduCLaaS Work-Study Degree offers a dual-track program where you study for one year and work as an apprenticeship for two years.

Secure your highly in-demand digital job with our Job Placement Support

Get assistance to improve your chances of securing your desired digital job, backed with more than 10 years of track record and built upon a strong relationship with over 2,000 companies.
Career Builder Workshop
Prepare yourself with resume-building, interview coaching, and industry insights sharing.
1-to-1 Career Coaching
Plan and align your career aspirations and expectations with the upcoming job opportunities.
Review of Career Development Resources
Get ensured that all your job search and interview resources are ready.
Recruitment Activities & Interviews
Connect with our active pool of hiring employers to secure your digital job role.

than Conventional Academic Universities

Become an experienced future-ready digital talent with skills certification &
master’s degree credentials in 4-18 months.


Get up to 2 years of working experience for higher pay on graduation while most conventional university graduates are under-employed without relevant in-demand skills


Gain job placement in just 12 months while conventional university graduates only start seeking employment after 4 years 


Pursue an overseas degree while working full-time with accessible educational options that won’t break the bank. Flexible programs empower you to enhance your skills and job opportunities without financial strain, helping you achieve your academic and professional goals simultaneously with relevant skills and global opportunities.

Personalized, work-integrated & outcome-based learning method

Learn in a competency-based curriculum aligned with Singapore’s skills framework. With a 70:20:10 learning approach, you’ll engage in expert-led projects for work-ready skills.
  • Self paced e-learning
  • Flipped Class
  • Project Mentoring
  • Summative Assessment

Get employed by our hiring partners

“We’re still in our second year and we’re already hired for paid internships. It felt like in a shorter period of time we’ve learned what would take a regular college student their whole college experience to learn the same depth of knowledge.”
Harry Lyne Sumampong Digital Business Bachelor’s Student 
& Marketing Associate at eduCLaaS International
Frequently Asked ​ Questions
EduCLaaS will match you to employers who have ready jobs to offer. EduCLaaS will continue to match you to more employers and provide you the necessary coaching and mentoring between the interviews. So far, all EduCLaaS’s students have been inducted into jobs successfully.
EduCLaaS will match you to interview with international or local companies. EduCLaaS’s employers have endorsed the program and are confident of the quality of EduCLaaS’s training and the jobs will be relevant to the studies.
Student can choose to continue in the existing company. However, student does not has the obligation to stay in the same company if there are other better opportunities.
The graduation may either take place in one our host country, awarding Univesity or Singapore. Accomodation, travel and other expenses will be beared by the students. The graduation will be held at the local awarding University.
All lectures, group projects and mentoring will take place via virtual learning, and you can study at the comfort of your home or anywhere as long as you have good internet access. If you are interested to study with one of our learning partners campuses, we can refer you to one of the partners that has an intake this period and closest to you, but the installment plan may vary.
An “A” Level pass in English is all that is required for the program! Do not worry if you are not confident in your English, this is the perfect opportunity to learn and polish your English in a multi-racial and culture environment with classmates from different countries.
Yes, all lessons are taught in English. Discussions with peers and guided mentoring by industry professionals will also be conducted in English. This is a great opportunity to improve your English proficiency in an inclusive environment by practicing with other students, lectures, and mentors from around the world.
Academic University
  • Traditional universities spend 3-4 years teaching general topics that students do not use once they specialize.
  • Study only 3-4 times a week and 4-5 hours per day in a traditional University
  • Lessons are concept and theory-based which puts their graduates in the disadvantage position in the digital world. eduCLaaS
  • Introduce you to the core subject at the start of the program
  • In the 1st year bootcamp, you spend 6 months to build your knowledge and 6 months to hone your skills through extensive real-life assignments and commercial projects. Though this, you will gain 2,000 hours of pratical skills
  • Year 2 to 3, improve your skills by working on more advance projects with your employer, and at the same time study part time to acquire 21st century skills and advanced skills.
  • Stable internet connection with a minimum of 30GB internet connection quota per month at home for off-campus assignments.
  • A working computer or laptop with a minimum specification of 8GB RAM, 500GB HDD equipped with a minimum i5 processor, with camera.
  • A working headphone or earphone